React Project

React Project
- Technologies: React, React Router ,React Bootstrap ,Javascript, JSX, CSS
- Project date: March 25, 2021
- Project URL:
- Git URL:
This Project was based on React and used several API calls. There are also different pages using React Router to handle routing. There were several chalanges that came up as I worked to finish the project.
- I had an issue that the API call didn't always return the expected outcome causing the mapping of the new storys to fail. To correct this I added a check to see if a headline object was returned and if not it would add an empty sting to keep the object correct.
- The next issue was that he ESPN API would return API URLs for the headlines in a HTTP format insted of using HTTPS, when loaded would cause the browser to block the request. To fix this in the function i used the replace method to correct the URLS in the object.